First Steps

Typically, therapy begins with a brief consultation call. During the consultation call, we will determine together if my services are a good fit for your needs. If we decide to proceed, an initial 60-minute session will be scheduled.

the initial sessions

The first session or two will be spent discussing your concerns and reviewing historical information, as I believe that the past often informs the present. We spend the second or third session discussing your goals for treatment and collaboratively developing your treatment plan.

duration and content of therapy

I provide evidence-based treatment, which requires a weekly dose of at least 60 minutes in duration during the first 3 months. We generally begin session with a check-in about your emotional state and a review of homework. The bulk of session is spent discussing specific problems, as they relate to your presenting concerns and goals in treatment, and an introduction to new skills to practice. Session concludes with an agreement about homework to complete during the next week.

Everyone’s circumstances are unique to them and the length of time therapy can take to allow you to accomplish your goals depends on your desire for personal development, your commitment, and the factors that are driving you to seek therapy in the first place. I work best with clients who are motivated to change and are willing to “roll-up their sleeves” and do the hard work it takes to improve their circumstances.

limits to confidentiality

I am ethically and legally obligated to maintain your confidentiality. It is important, though, to acknowledge that there are certain legal limits to confidentiality, such as in the event of suspected child abuse or dependent adult or elder abuse. I take your confidentiality very serious and will discuss the limits to confidentiality in greater detail during our initial session.

limits to psychotherapy

Decades of research indicate that psychotherapy is helpful for anxiety disorders, trauma-related conditions, and mild to moderate depressive disorders. Though psychotherapy is often effective, there are certain limitations that one must consider prior to engaging in therapy. For example, participation in psychotherapy can sometimes make you feel worse before you feel better.  I will outline the risks and benefits of psychotherapy in greater detail during our initial session.

Hours of operation

Online therapy appointments can be scheduled on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings between 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm or Monday through Friday mornings between 8:00 am and 9:00 am.