Psych Tips and Tools

Proven Strategies for Managing Your Anger During a Fight with Your Teen
Have you ever walked away from a fight with your teen feeling like you lost- lost not only the fight, but also most if not all of your dignity and self-respect? Did you ever walk away from a fight with a teen feeling defeated? What if you could walk away from a conflict with your … Read more

When Mother’s Day Hurts
Have you ever sat around the house waiting for your son or daughter to knock on your door on Mother’s Day, hoping that he or she would stop by to wish you well? Have you kept your phone near you all day on Mother’s Day anticipating a call or a text from your child, only … Read more

Maintaining Your Sanity during a Pandemic
I’m a therapist, so I should be immune to situations that cause anxiety right? Wrong! The night President Trump announced that our country was facing a pandemic and urged people to shelter-in-place was a sleepless night for me. Many worries crossed my mind that evening, such as worries about the impact of COVID-19 on loved … Read more

Couples in Crisis: Six Methods for Reducing Conflict during COVID-19
Unfortunately, there’s been a rise in spousal abuse and domestic homicides in the United States after the recent implementation of social distancing and stay-at-home mandates. More than likely there’s been an increase in couples conflict due to greater amounts of time spent together! Indeed, early reports from China indicates that there was a rush to … Read more

Letting Go of Judgments: Four Steps to a Calmer You!
Have you ever heard of a tragic event, such as a mother and father losing their child to an alligator attack at Disney, and thought to yourself, well his parents should’ve [fill in the blank]? Or concluded that the parents were bad parents? Or argued that Disney was negligent and to blame? Have you ever … Read more

Mind Over Mood: Five Steps to Feeling Better
Imagine the following scenario: You receive an early morning call from a friend who is stranded in a parking lot. Fortunately, your partner is able to get your friend’s car started and driven to a location where it can be evaluated while you drive your friend to work. Your friend thanks you and on his … Read more