Depends on location. Please reach out for a free consultation and discussion about rates.
I accept multiple insurance companies in Georgia and Tennessee, including Anthem, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia and Tennessee, Cigna, and Aetna.
I am a certified provider for Tricare East (or Humana).
Please consider the following pros and cons to using insurance:
Cost Effective – You have invested hundreds of dollars in your insurance, so it makes sense that you would like to use it! If you do, you may only have to pay your deductible for each session.
Access to a Database of Qualified Therapists – Insurance companies ensure that therapists possess the necessary training and licensure requirements to practice. Therefore, you are able to quickly identify a qualified therapist in your area.
Requires a Diagnosis – Insurance will only pay for treatment that is considered medically necessary,which is indicated by a diagnosis. However, clients’ concerns often do not require a diagnosis, and it would be unethical to diagnose someone to get paid.
Rarely Covers Couples Therapy – The reasons couples seek therapy, such as for pre-marital counseling, affair recovery, or communication difficulties, are rarely covered by insurance.
Confidentiality May Be Compromised – Unfortunately, confidentiality is compromised when using insurance. A number of people review your information when a bill is submitted to an insurance company, including, but not limited to the following: the processor, case manager, peer reviewers, and customer services representatives.
Permanent Documentation of a Pre-Existing Condition – All treatment that is covered by your insurance company will be entered into your permanent medical record, and this information may be requested and used to determine eligibility for certain situations, such as if you apply for life insurance or want to enlist in the military.
I accept checks and all major credit cards as forms of payment.
cancellation policy
If you are unable to attend a session, please make sure you call to cancel 24 hours in advance or you will be charged a $60 cancellation fee.
Please complete the contact form for any additional questions you may have.